Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

I'm Fepe. Hi.

Where did you get the idea to do this?

Who He Play For? is a recurrent game on Inside the NBA, where Ernie asks Chuck to guess where certain players play. And I've always found the idea fun to play. So I made it into a web game, so I (and you) can play it.

Which players are there?

Even though on Inside the NBA they usually use lesser known players, here you have all of them.
Alternatively you can try playing in hard mode if you are looking for an extra challenge. That way, you'll get players from a pool of the 50 least guessed.
As a reward, if you are logged in, your score will be multiplied by 1,5 if you play in this mode. For more info, check how the scores are calculated.

How are scores calculated?

(difficulty * 3 * correct_guesses - wrong_guesses) (rounded) where wrong_guesses include not only the ones you didn't guess right, but also the rounds you did not play. And difficulty is 1,5 if playing in hard mode, 1 otherwise.
It's a work in progress, so it can change anytime. For now, it's simply (3*correct_guesses - wrong_guesses) * difficulty where wrong_guesses include not only the ones you didn't guess right, but also the rounds you did not play.
And difficulty starts being 1, and adds up like so:

  • 2 if the players name are not shown.
  • 1 if the teams are shuffled.
  • 1 if you are playing with every team.
  • 3 if you set the time limit to 30 seconds.
  • 2 if you set the time limit to 60 seconds.
  • 1 if you set the time limit to 90 seconds.
While correct_guesses and wrong_guesses are... well, you know.
I'll eventually come up with a better way to calculate scores but for now, this'll have to do.Important: If you play without a time limit, you'll get a score of 0.

How updated are the rosters?

They are updated as of February 19th, 2025

What technology did you use to build this?

It's mainly built with Python and JavaScript, running on Django Framework.
If you want more info, the whole source-code is released open source on GitHub.


For helping me with tips, testing, and more, shout-outs to Jess, SR, Alex Ntale, German, Duckie and Mora.

I have a question / suggestion / complaint, how can I contact you?

If what you want is not covered in this FAQ, you can find me at /u/fepe55 and fepe55.
If you want to know something about the code behind this, you can take a look at this project on GitHub. And feel free to open an issue there if you see something wrong.